
Budho Laksono

Pelukis realist yang ingin saya ketengahkan disini bernama Budho Laksono yang telah berkarya sejak muda dan telah melalui berbagai tahapan karya. Lahir di Jakarta pada 10 Oktober 1958, pernah bekerja di DLLAJ ( Dinas Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan ) dengan jabatan terakhir sebagai Kasubdin ( Kepala Sub Bagian Dinas ) Teknis Sarana dan Prasarana kemudian pindah ke Departemen Perindustrian dengan posisi jabatan yang sama . Kesibukan yang harus dijalani tidak menghalangi keinginannya untuk terus melukis dan berkarya untuk mengasah hobi yang telah dimiliki semenjak kecil.
Budho Laksono tidak pernah belajar melukis secara akademis semua keahlian yang dimiliki didapat dari proses pembelajaran secara otodidak. Karya lukisannya sudah sering dipamerkan baik pameran tunggal maupun pameran bersama dan dikoleksi oleh para pecinta seni. Beberapa diantaranya adalah ;
Pameran Lukisan di Jakarta Fair
Pameran Lukisan di Beach Bali Hotel , Bali
Pameran Lukisan di Yogya Expo, Yogyakarta
Pameran Tunggal di Hotel Sultan, Jakarta
Pameran Tunggal disponsori oleh Gramedia, Solo
Lukisan karya Budho Laksono dapat dilihat di Merpati Gallery yang Berlokasi di Solo dan di sini kami menampilkan beberapa lukisan yang kami jual.
Silahkan lihat pada label our collection. We wish you would see our collection label.

English version

The realist painter that I put forward here is Budho Laksono that has been made the painting work since he was young and has been through various stage of art work .Born in Jakarta on October 10 1958, had worked in DLLAJ (Lalu Lintas Service and the street transportation) with the last position as Kasubdin (Sub Bagian Kepala Dinas ) Means Technical and Infrastructure afterwards he moved to Department of Industry with the same position as before . The activity that must be carried out did not obstruct his wish to continue depict and paint to sharpen his hobby that was owned since small.
Budho Laksono had never learnt to paint academically all the expertise that is owned he get it from the learning process autodidactcly. The work of his painting has been exhibited both the single exhibition and the gather exhibition and has collected by the lovers of art. Several of his exhibition were; The Painting Exhibition in Jakarta Fair, Jakarta
Painting Exhibition in Bali Beach Hotel, Bali
Painting Exhibition in Yogya Expo, Yogyakarta
Single Exhibiton in The Sultan Hotel, Jakarta
Single Exhibition sponsored by PT Gramedia at Solo
Budho Laksono work of paintings could be seen in Merpati Gallery that located in Solo and here we put forward photo of his several paintings that are sold by us.
We wish you would see the collection in the our collection the label.


Anonymous said...

What a sophisticated batique! very authentic but fits to the youngsters today.